Monday, August 21, 2006

Taking out the Trash

I sorted out my mess, filled bags and bags full of clothing, tapes, movies, papers, love letters (not really), you name it in an attempt to get the physical clutter out of the way that was feeding into my mental clutter. It worked. I feel free and and relaxed and a bit more confident. I did a few rough calculations and the savings I planned for seems quite within reach, but its going to take a bit of discipline and lots of beans and less meat and almost no take out burgers or restaurants of any sort or nights out.

I hung up a world map and an Africa map right next to it on my mirror with a thin strip for looking in just to make sure I don’t resemble Alfalfa on any particular day. Though I had little doubt that I’d be able to bring this thing together, this weekend put the “how” into perspective. All the methods that I’m using to save feel like a wonderful game with the reward already predetermined. It does not feel like sacrifice at all. I get a kick out of inventing another set of meals out of what I have at hand instead of making a shopping trip. My bike trips into work, as I’ve already mentioned, are a blast. Even at work I watch the hours pass and think of how a couple of hours is going to fund another day in Argentina. When I go into overtime, I can taste the bittersweet mate pouring into my gullet. Written 4/16/06

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