Thursday, February 08, 2007

Through the motions

For the first time during many days at this hostel, I make it up in time for breakfast. I reacquaint myself with the streets of Buenos Aires. I head back to Palermo walk for a while, but I feel tired and vaguely ill and not in the mood for exploring. I have no plan, and though this often leads to the best kind of adventures, today it is leading no place in particular.

I go to what some consider to be the best pizzeria in the city, which is saying a lot, on Corrientes. Old men stand by counters with knife and fork, eating a rarity in Argentina, pizza by the slice. I choose to sit down and the pizza is very good indeed.

My shoulder is still stiff and in pain and I’m walking around like a whiplash victim. I make it another early night and save quite a bit in beer money, but not having much fun, really, and starting to question why I arrived in the city so early when I could be relaxing on a beach.

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