Monday, August 21, 2006

A step towards frugality

I dusted off the mountain bike on Friday and took advantage of the waning winter weather to ride to my job. The snows are winding down after just winding up in March here in Northern Arizona after a long dry spell. Right around two inches for almost the totality of the winter and fall seasons when normally close to one hundred inches accumulate in that time. I want to bike into work and put the Corolla up on the ol’ metaphorical blocks for a few months, driving it just enough to flush out the cobwebs.

If I can keep up the auto-abstinence, that’s an extra three hundred in my pocket right there. And I found a prettier, more adventurous route back home as well. A jeep trail climbs the side of a mesa into a small patch of Ponderosa pine trees in the back of where I work. It was a bit of a grunt up a steep bank and over some black, jagged volcanic rock, but once I get my lungs and legs back it should be fun going. I look forward to tomorrow morning when I can buck and weave my way down those same rocks and into my otherwise tedious day.

Who says frugality can’t be fun? Written 4/9/06

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