Monday, February 05, 2007

A Long Walk

Today I hike to a reservoir, Dullum, which sounds attractive in my LP. I go through a long stretch of suburban neighborhoods all lined by yellow tiled sidewalks, past parillas and kioscos until I reach the countryside and army training facilities. I walk between some barren hills until I reach the river and walk up towards what looks like a miniature Hoover Dam, given the geography. On the near end of the dam is a snack bar and motocross course going through the sandy mounds and small hills. On the far side are some scattered waterfront clubs, but no public beaches, and not much activity on the water, from the few glimpses I get from between the hills. There is an abundance of motocross and mountain biking, and guys taking their girlfriends for a ride on their motorbikes for the afternoon.

I turn down a road for a club, bypassing the admission sign, and catch a water view or two. My 40 km hike ends back in town where a fair is taking place. The market in the fair stays open past midnight on a Sunday night and there is a bandstand with singing. I sit down in a pizza parlor and eat a doble mozzarella that’s a rare disappointment. I try to get a good night’s rest before my bus into the Andean town of Bareal the next morning.

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